until your heart is content 
U-Pick Experience
Embrace the beauty of nature and indulge in the freshest Blueberries straight from the field into your bucket at Klaassen Farms. We invite you to enjoy a day filled with fun and flavour in our U-Pick Fields. With acres of North American High Bush Blueberries, we have 4 different varieties available for picking. Pricing ranges from $2 - $2.50 per lb, bring your own bucket or purchase one from our staff. Picking Fields are located at 51211 Chilliwack Central Road; take exit 129 off of Highway 1, and find us on the corner of Ford Road and Chilliwack Central Road. Groups with over 50 guests please email our team at bookings@klaassenfarms.caPicking Spots
Curious about where to find the juiciest, ripest blueberries? Don't hesitate to ask our friendly staff for the prime picking spots. Once you find a bush brimming with berries, stay there and pick to your heart's content. This strategy saves you time wandering around and lets you focus on harvesting the sweetest berries. Mastering the art of berry picking is a journey. Everyone develops their unique technique over time, but here’s a tip to get you started: gently roll the berries between your thumbs and let the ripe ones fall into your hand before collecting them in your bucket. The perfect blueberries are blue and plump - steer clear of the green and overly soft ones.Seasonal Hours
Our fields welcome you from Monday to Saturday, 8 AM to 8 PM, weather and berries permitting once open for the summer. If you plan to arrive after 2 PM, please check in at the Farm Store before proceeding to the picking fields. For those coming to pick during the cooler evening hours we kindly ask that you arrive no later than 7:30 PM to allow for time to pick your fill. In case of heavy rain, our fields might be closed to ensure safety and preserve the quality of our berries. *Now CLOSED for the 2024 season, please see in store for frozen blueberries and seasonal events*Etiquette
Before entering the U-Pick fields, guests can wash or sanitize their hands at one of our designated hand-wash stations, ensuring a clean picking experience. For your convenience, we have two bathrooms located by our Farm Store in the upper main parking lot as well as a portable toilet near our lower U-Pick Fields and beside our Farm Adventure Zone. To maintain a clean and healthy environment, eating or drinking in the fields is prohibited. We also enforce a strict no smoking, no vaping, and no alcohol policy on our premises to ensure a pleasant experience for all our visitors. We kindly ask that non service dogs not be brought into the picking fields, they are welcome on-leash in places like the patio and play area.What To Expect
When planning your visit to our U-Pick Blueberry fields, comfort is key! We recommend wearing comfortable shoes (leave the heels at home) since you’ll likely be on your feet for a couple of hours, taking in the sun and scenery. Don’t forget to pack a hat, sunscreen to protect yourself from the summer rays, or bring your boots and bug spray on those muddy days. The unpredictable BC weather calls for preparedness. Dress accordingly with proper footwear and layered clothing to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable picking experience. Please respect our starting time and avoid arriving before 8 AM, as entry to the fields will not be permitted before this hour. We kindly ask that those coming for evening U-Pick leave the fields by 7:45 PM and check out with our staff by 8 PM.